Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Great Entropy Wave of 1988

This is a true story.
As soon as my sweetie, Jim, found a job in Hanover, our arrangements for relocation from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Lebanon, New Hampshire, began. By spring of 1988 I had sold my house in St. John's, we had found an apartment in Lebanon, and all was right with the world. Meanwhile, there was the family house in Shoreham available for interim storage and temporary accommodation, so I loaded some southbound books and computers and clothes and such into my Honda and set off for this new adventure in, say, late April.
The first intimation of events to come may have been as I pulled out of St. John's. The first stop on the long trip was the Midas muffler place there on Freshwater Road where I had the obviously defective muffler replaced. The ensuing two very long days were therefore rendered quiet if not exactly fun-filled.
However, as I got closer to Vermont, the brakes began making increasingly distressing noises so when I arrived in Shoreham I rushed right down Valley Garage and had Red install new pads. When the old ones had been extracted both Red and a hanger-on loudly wondered how I could have survived the trip since there was No Material left on them which could conceivably have stopped the car. Well, I left the valley garage $50 lighter but easier in my mind.
Next project was the furnace which had been snorting and rattling and leaving a thin deposit of soot in the basement and the kitchen. This was remedied one afternoon by a brace of very large technicians and a generous infusion of parts.
Then the lawnmower, which I had hated passionately for years anyway, croaked its last (and good riddance, I say) and had to be replaced before the lawn went to hay.
After careful analysis of moving costs involving actual movers, rented trucks, trailers, etc., we concluded that our best and cheapest option was to buy a used truck and sell it once we were done, so the next step in this little drama was a trip down to Rutland to the truck place on Route 7 which sold me a Very Yellow Iveco Truck, which operated flawlessly right up until four days later when Debbie Norris wanted to borrow it to move some furniture into Middlebury, which having been accomplished, the brakes seized in front of her house and the thing couldn't be moved. It turned out to be nothing more than an idiosyncrasy of the operation of the handbrake, fortunately, and I was able to go pick it up the next day anyway.
Nevertheless, Jim, who had come down from St. John's for a quick reconnaissance, felt it would be worthwhile to crawl around under it to try to figure out why it might be doing this, and in the process the handbrake cable parted entirely due to a very old and corroded fitting. Well, naturally we rushed right back to the truck place with blood in our eye as it had only been driven about 30 miles before this happened and explained that we thought they should fix it now as they should have done before I bought it. Miraculously they did. Following which Jim went back to St.John's and I went over to Barneveld, New York, to visit my old friend Bronwyn in my old Honda with brand-new brakes.
While in Barneveld two noteworthy things happened: 1) I convinced Bronwyn that it would be loads of fun to drive a Very Yellow Truck up to Newfoundland on the July 4 weekend and 2) Bronwyn convinced me that my car was much noisier than it should be and probably had a busted wheel bearing. Thus, soon after my noisy return to Shoreham I took it in to Mike's Sunoco in Middlebury where I explained that there were noises in the front end. Mike himself took it out for a test drive lasting 2 to 3 microseconds and announced that he had seldom heard such readily discernible noises. He got it up on the lift the better to look and soon the whole staff there was gathered around exclaiming things like “Wow, what a death trap!” By and by I was allowed in to see the patient and Mike demonstrated that one of the tie rods was shot to the extent that it was hard to imagine how the thing was together at all, and also the other wheel bearing was positively rattling. It was arranged that I would get the tie rod and he would get the wheel bearing and I could bring it in in a few days for repair. So I oozed back to Shoreham, manure spreaders and bicyclists flashing by me, expecting a steering failure every inch of the way and parked it next to the sulky truck.
With a heavy sigh I then started up Thunderguts, the balky, dissipated, and heavily mouse-scented '71 Nova which was the only permanent resident at the Shoreham house. The first couple of coughs were accompanied by the eruption of pink insulation and other mouse nesting material from the tailpipe but after that all seemed as well as could be expected. The trip to Burlington to pick up the tie rod went blissfully smoothly, and then eventually I returned to Mike's in the ailing Honda, very very slowly, and spent six hours moping around Middlebury while repairs were effected. While I was paying up Mike happened to remark, “You know, you're going to have to have your brakes done pretty soon - they're almost down to the metal.” I breathlessly explained that he must be wrong as I had already done them not a month before. “Well,” suggested Mike, “then probably the calipers are gone, but I'd have them done soon.” After all the major surgery on the tie rod I had to get the wheels aligned, of course, and the man at the tire place said much the same thing, so two days before my scheduled departure for Newfoundland I limped back to Shoreham, brakes squealing and shuddering, AGAIN, and added oil to Thunderguts.
Meanwhile I had been in touch with Jim in St. John's and he explained that his elderly and ailing Corvette had succumbed to some sort of misery of the clutch and he wasn't sure he was going to be able to fix it before we got there.
The final arrangement with Bronwyn was that she would either get a bus to Rutland or a ride from somebody, maybe even to Shoreham, and we would leave from there. The day before our proposed departure she phoned with the news that her youngest son, Jeremy, whose own car didn't run for many reasons, had borrowed hers the previous night and had destroyed the transmission. Fortunately her eldest son had two vehicles, but unfortunately one of them was out of commission due to two flat tires or something, so the Final final arrangement was that her ex-husband Joey, who was in town for Jeremy's graduation, would drive her to Hudson Falls and I would pick her up there the next morning in Thunderguts.
On the way to Hudson Falls next morning while passing through one of several construction sites along the way a very major hole in the exhaust system was abruptly made manifest, so I thundered on through sleepy little towns causing heads to turn in, variously, alarm, envy, and disapproval, found Bronwyn with surprisingly little trouble and roared back to Shoreham where both cars were abandoned, hors de combat, in favor of the Very Yellow Truck into which we loaded our few selected belongings and uneasily set out for Newfoundland. The trip was very long but mercifully uneventful except for minor palpitations caused by missing our ferry by 15 minutes and later nearly running out of fuel around 3 AM in Western Newfoundland, and at long last we rolled in St. John's shortly before noon and pulled into a shopping mall so Bronwyn could go to a bank and I could pick up some beer. We then lumbered wearily back into the truck only to discover that the brakes were seized. Thinking that it was the old parking brake thing I yanked them around a bit to no avail while Bronwyn stood by looking unhappy. By and by a jolly municipal employee rolled up in a big orange dump truck and said a lot of things to Bronwyn who, between the snarl of the diesel and the picturesque accent could only understand about a 10th part of what he said, but the upshot appeared to be that this sort of thing happens all the time and the thing to do is ignore it and press on. So we groaned the last couple of miles to Bond Street dragging our brakes and had lovely baths and a nap.
Mercifully, Jim's Corvette was temporarily operational so the next day Bronwyn and I went on a toot around Greater St. John's while Jim scrutinized the truck to see if he could figure out what ailed the brakes, and reported that they were just fine. Bronwyn stayed another couple of days before she had to return to Barneveld and then the next three weeks or so Jim and I spent packing, discarding, selling, tying up loose ends, and saying goodbye to anybody we ever knew. In the midst of all this the Corvette's clutch suffered a serious relapse and was limped over to Ron's garage with Desirée in attendance in her car whose own clutch was making mournful noises, where it stayed until parts could be obtained. Jim's father, who was to help out with the driving of the truck and car back to New Hampshire was canceled, and all further transportation was accomplished on foot or through the kindness of miscellaneous friends like Bill who could be relied upon in the pinch until he blew out a head gasket and was reduced to the exclusive use of his motorbike.
Time passed rapidly and the truck, with the stated maximum load of 4000 pounds approached gross when about a third of the house contents had been inserted into it. We therefore shipped about 1200 pounds of books to Montréal for pickup in two weeks time and were more rigorous about what was to go and what was to be sold/donated/discarded. Careful scrutiny of the truck, its Vermont registration, and its owner's manual revealed that although the GVW stamped on the frame was 9995 pounds it had a registered GVW of 11,000 pounds and could be loaded up to 13,000 pounds if there was enough air in the tires, so we naturally took the latter is our limit and stuffed the thing accordingly.
We finally finished the job on Monday, July 25, having worked unremittingly all day without meals since the stove, fridge, and food had been dispatched long since. We ordered pizza and ate it sitting on the floor of the empty living room, and finally bid a final farewell to 25 Bond St. and climbed into the truck around 10 PM. The idea was to get a motel in Argentia near the ferry terminal so that we would be there very early in the day to check in for the ferry in case we had to argue since they don't allow large trucks on that ferry, and our reservation was for a van. Since our generous maximum load estimate was based on a great deal of air in the tires our first stop was to be the Petro-Canada truck stop just outside the city limit. It was drizzling and very cold and foggy. The truck was swaying and wallowing like a skiff quartering sea all the way there. We managed to top up the two front tires and the two outside rear tires, which were perilously low – say, 50 psi as opposed to the 70 we needed, but one of the inside rear tires had no air at all and wouldn't take any, being right off the rim, and the other was down to maybe 20 psi. This we filled, and phoned an all-night truck service to come repair the other. It being nearly midnight we checked into a motel next to the truck stop, say, 3 miles from Bond Street, and after Jim had coped with the repair we fell into an exhausted sleep.
In the morning, after a robust breakfast, we took the truck back to Petro-Canada and checked the tires again. The inside left once again showed no air. Clearly we could not proceed without repairs, so we set off for the tire place about a mile off, with what appeared to be becoming our customary drunken gait. About halfway there there was alarming POW! and we pulled off to look. The right inside rear had blown a 7-inch hole in its side wall. We finally crept to our destination and explained the problem. It was an unusual tire size of course but they miraculously had six on hand of which we took four to replace the four retreads in the rear, and $600 and an hour or so later we set off for Argentia again and arrived with no further excitement.
We got through both checkpoints at the ferry terminal with only minor argument about our “van,” a significant triumph since rejection from this ferry would mean a 500 mile drive across the province to the Port aux Basques terminal. So there we were, on, and deeply grateful for small mercies, in spite of the next 18 hours of epic discomfort we knew we are going to have to spend in the hands of CN Marine.
As I understand it, this particular ferry, the Ambrose Shea, was provided, as a young thing, with five diesel engines which drove four electric generators which provided the power to turn the two screws that pressed her doggedly through the sea. But that was a long time ago, and in line with their rigid policy of providing the worst ferry service possible CN Marine didn't squander a lot of resources on such trifles as maintenance, not to mention simple creature comforts for its hapless passengers. Thus
when one of the five engines collapsed sometime during the spring, it was simply abandoned on the theory that it might be useful as a source of parts for the other four. In this somewhat diminished state we steamed out of Argentia on Tuesday, July 26. Had we known this at boarding time we would not have been surprised when sometime in the middle of the night, following a very loud machine-in-distress noise, the ship essentially stopped moving. With half of the trip remaining, apparently one of the remaining engines had gasped its last along with two of the generators and we were reduced to half power, if that. Thus it was that we limped into North Sydney around noon, instead of 8 AM as scheduled. We were told that this would mean no further Argentia runs this season and were faint with gratitude and pleasure that we had slipped in under this wire.
As soon as we were allowed off the poor sick thing we pressed on south through the gentle warmth of a green Cape Breton summer, taking two-hour turns driving, and were somewhere in the neighborhood of Truro, Nova Scotia, when I awoke from a fitful slumber to the scrabble of gravel, a pursued-by-devils look on Jim's face, and smoke pouring out from under the truck. A number of concerned citizens from the lumberyard we had taken refuge in were rushing towards us armed with fire extinguishers. The brakes were Absolutely and Uncompromisingly Seized. After fairly lengthy conversations with many of our would-be saviors we were finally left in the hands of the proprietor of the garage down the road who took a look and concluded that due to the size of the truck there was nothing he could do anyway, but suggested that probably the brakes were seized because they were overheated and that if we just left it there for an hour or two it should turn itself loose and we would be able to press on at least as far as Truro where there was a truck place which might be able to help us out.
He kindly dropped us off at a greasy spoon 2 miles down the road where we had a leisurely supper. By the time we strolled back to the lumberyard, the brakes had sure enough let go, so we proceeded to Truro to discuss our misfortunes with the truck place which explained that they had no idea what could be wrong since all the trucks they had anything to do with rejoiced in air brakes and ours were hydraulic. So with a sinking feeling we pressed on towards New Brunswick. By divine dispensation, we got all the way through New Brunswick with no mechanical failures; the border crossing took a painless 20 minutes; Maine unfurled beneath our wheels; and there we were in New Hampshire. 
One of the first landmarks to greet the eye of the passing motorist on The Interstate as it makes its way north into the Granite State is the largest liquor store on earth. Whole tour buses come up from Boston to stand in amazement at its portals and equip themselves with huge supplies of inexpensive intoxicants. Needless to say, us rubes, fresh off the boat from the most-expensive-booze capitol of North America could hardly be expected to pass up such an opportunity, so we pulled in and took on a few staples and a jug of Mumm's to celebrate our safe arrival. When we returned to the Yellow Peril, alas!, it was to find that the brakes had done it again. So we whiled away an hour sitting on the grass among the dog manure watching the happy citizens groaning out of place under immense loads of Party Fuel. We were only about two hours from Lebanon, so when we finally got underway again we very reasonably figured this was the Last Lap. But it was Not To Be. About 15 minutes from home we seized again and had to stop at a truck stop for another hour, gnashing our teeth and drinking Pepsi and looking at the magazines and souvenirs of air fresheners in the form of elves and all the ostentatious people just getting into their vehicles whenever they felt like it and driving away. But finally it was our turn, and we set off on what really was the last lap and arrived in the heat of that Friday afternoon (which was considerable) at Our New Home.
Our first act was to plug in the fridge and load a bunch of beer into it. Then the serious business of unloading the truck commenced. We labored mightily for as long as we could stand the heat and then went to reward our efforts with a nice cold beer only to discover that after an hour or two our so wonderful fridge was still warm. We told the landlady, drank a couple of warm beers, and continued unloading. Next morning a repairman arrived to fix the fridge and was at it for several hours. In the meantime, I had done a laundry and had slung it into the dryer. I was chatting with the repairman about the prognosis for the fridge when the dryer gave up the ghost with an ear-splitting squeal. Fortunately the repairman had the afflicted part in this truck and fixed it up in jig time before returning unsuccessfully to the fridge. The landlady promised us a new fridge Monday and we set off for Shoreham in a much lighter truck to offload goods to be stashed in the basement there.
In the ensuing week in Vermont we replaced the exhaust pipe of Thunderguts, many many parts large and small involved in the brakes and other front-end functions on the treacherous Honda, delivered up Her Majesty to the truck place to be FIXED and no kidding and arranged for the phone to be repaired which had suddenly died about 20 minutes after I had called some garage or other. We then made our way back to Lebanon where we have that phone repaired and then Jim went back up to Newfoundland with a new clutch under his arm for the Corvette.
Finally the Entropy Wave that pursued us for five months and six political units was exhausted. Jim drove all the way back (they fixed the Ambrose Shea long enough for him to get on it) in his antique Corvette and arrived unscathed in a timely manner, we sold the Very Yellow Truck a month or so later and I finally ditched the unspeakable Honda when its engine seized over the winter and that was that until the hot water heater blew.
But that is another story. 

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